Rescue Fire Protection District – Rescue, CA

Apr 21, 2020
Jenny's Heroes California

From left: Joel Warman, Chris Realin, Ryan Jeremica, and Chief Gary Patten pose next to their new fire engine at the Rescue Fire Department station 1. The engine was funded by a FEMA grant and awarded to the station in January. The new engine will replace the old urban interface engine used for structure and wild land fires. The 2007 Pierce Custom Contender engine should be in service within the next several months before December of this year. Democrat photo by Megan Jeremica

(April 20, 2020) I spoke to Fire Captain Joel Warman to share the news of his department’s $1,800 grant to provide two thermal imaging cameras. They would allow each person working on the engine company a thermal imaging camera to assist in rescues at structure fires and other emergency situations.


(July 10, 2020) The cameras have arrived – check it out…

Rescue Fire Jenny's Heroes

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